You’re a Dead Ringer for Krell, Mate

I decided to give my old Krell, a bit of TLC. Mainly, because I’d bought an undead chaos warrior from Diehard Miniatures – one of my favourite Oldhammer miniature companies. I thought he might’ve been made as a bit of a homage to the original Lord of the Undead.

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Vulcan the Chaos Reiver was another Diehard purchase.

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‘Goatsy’ was a Midlam Miniature. I’m going to add him to our Rangers of Shadow Deep party.

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This wee armoured goblin champion was from Midlam, too.

Photo 09-06-2022, 08 01 35

Then back to Diehard, we have Pandora the Chaos Reiver.

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A vulture for Rangers of Shadow Deep, courtesy of North Star Military Figures.

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Photo 07-06-2022, 10 44 17

That’s what I’ve been up to recently, anyway. I talked more about the painting of these on a recent episode of the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, so be sure to take a listen if podcasts are your thing!

CP Models for Necromunda & Near Future

I’ve actually got through quite a few miniatures since my last painting update and photo dump. The latest batch are all from CP Models, one of my favourite Oldhammer-style miniature companies.

CP Models 3

These Near Future Mercenaries would fit right into a game of Necromunda.

CP Models 7

The Zombie Grey Aliens are a part of my Undead Stargrave Crew.

CP Models 6

Fed Troopers – Terran Federation Security Troopers armed with automatic weapons.

CP Models 5

Future trench warfare figures. Loosely based on World War I troops but with a near-future twist.

CP Models 4

The mercs are led by this “Detective for Hire”. If I remember correctly, he came as a generous freebie miniature with my order from CP.

CP Models 2

More mercs.

CP Models 8

I liked painting these guys. They had a good variety, without being over the top.

CP Models 1

The other (more uniformed) squads were fun too though, and I got through them quickly, without opening many paint pots at all.

Anyway, there you have it. Thanks very much for taking the time to have a look. And whilst you’re here, why not check out the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, too? It’s like Citadel Contrast Paint for your ears.

Does that sound like a good thing or a bad thing? I’m not quite sure…

Spacemen Who Diehard, & More Dungeon Daemons

Doing an Oldhammer miniature companies roundup was always going to come at a financial cost. The latest company I decided to pick up a batch of cool and interesting minis from was Diehard.

Diehard Miniatures create metal wargames miniatures. The company started as a collaboration of 3 sculptors back in 2014 (Tim Prow, Chaz Elliott and Drew Williams). With the assistance of Richard Luong for the initial artwork and concepts, Diehard has expanded its artist stable to include Chris Walton, Johan Egerkrans, Kennon James and Jody Siegel.

I’ve been working on building a crew for Stargrave and I’m going for an undead theme.

I loved the look of these skeletal astronauts, and they were fun and easy to paint, too.

There’s a brilliant range of undead miniatures on the Diehard site which cater to both sci-fi and fantasy.

Joining the bony ranks of this crew is an undead Space Marine, also from Diehard.

No “here’s what I’ve painted recently” roundup would be complete without something from Midlam, either. This guy is a crow shaman and he’ll act as my crew’s “medic”.

Another character from Midlam is this demon who’ll be used for my dungeon crawler games.

Back to Diehard for another dungeon denizen, this guy is a Satyr.

Have you ever wondered why undead creatures persevere in their attempts to play wind instruments?

Another company I buy from a lot is CP Models. This trooper is part of a group of 5, so I just need to get his pals painted up now.

Finally, I painted up the last two Blood Bowl beastmen that I found in a box a while back.

So that’s what I’ve been up to recently on the hobby front. Well, that, and running our new Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast. We’ve had some great conversations on there recently about Oldhammer, Herohammer, and old White Dwarf mags. Have you listened yet?

Chaos Space Raiders, & Terrible Tusks

Painting and has been a bit slower recently due to the better weather, easing of restrictions, and a few other commitments taking up a bit of my free time. Nevertheless, I’ve still managed to get another wee batch of minis finished up, starting with these Chaos Space Raiders from Diehard.

Die Hard Chaos Space Reavers

I came across these guys whilst researching options for Rogue Trader-esque Stargrave crews. They’re big chunky marines with a fantastic Oldhammer aesthetic.

Chaos Space Raider

Jadus Blakk’ here was the hardest miniature I’ve ever tried to photograph. There’s quite a lot going on with him.

Chaos Space Raider

You can pick him up for £6 on the Diehard Miniatures site.

Chaos Space Raider

With those 4 big exhaust pipes, he’s hardly what you’d call an Eco Warrior, eh? I wonder if his suit’s a nightmare to get through its MOT.

Chaos Dwarf

Back in May I painted some Chaos Dwarfs. I had another one of these obnoxious little guys in my to-do pile, so here he is.

Chaos Dwarf

Not to be out-tusked though, it’s a Boar Man from Midlam Miniatures.


I paint a lot of miniatures from the Midlam range, they’re definitely one of my favourite companies. I go on about them a lot though, and I don’t want to ‘boar’ you… 😐


So I’ll move on to another company I’m always banging on about – Knightmare. Here’s two more splendid tusks, too, sported by Commander Tusker himself.

Orc Brute

I’ve built a lot of skirmish warbands from the Knightmare range, including Beastmen, Chaos Warriors, and Goblin Archers.

Orc Brute

Swinging back round to the Diehard Space Raiders too, here’s Amorbis Zoon’

Chaos Space Raider

I did him “a bit Nurgly”, if that’s an actual term.

So there’s the fruits of my labour this past month or so. I’ve plenty more to be getting cracked on with this summer, but for extra servings of my finished work, check out Chaos, Cultists, & Blood Bowl Beastmen, as well as From Battlemasters to Dungeon Masters.

Chaos, Cultists, & Blood Bowl Beastmen

I’ve been on a bit of a roll with my painting recently, and it’s largely down to Midlam Miniatures. They’re one of my favourite miniature manufacturers, and I talk more about them in my Oldhammer Miniature Companies article.

chaos followers

My projects recently have been fairly straightforward. Collect and paint any fantasy miniatures I like the look of for either skirmish-level or dungeon crawler games.

kraken cultist midlam miniatures

Midlam’s Kraken Cult collection have such a great Lovecraftian vibe to them. I’d painted up some Kraken Cultists already, but I wanted to try a few more with slightly different colour schemes.

kraken cultist midlam miniatures

I see Midlam are now Kickstarting more Kraken cult miniatures. The way I’m going I’ll end up with enough of them to make a full Warhammer Fantasy Battles army.

kraken cultists by midlam miniatures
“Keep your eye on the ball, son. Right, watch this…”

Moving away from robes and slithering tentacles, I’m also a sucker for a Chaos Warrior. Not those joyless modern types though. I mean real Chaos Warriors.

midlam miniatures chaos warrior

The first one I’ve named Brother Rust. He’d have fitted in with my retro Chaos Warrior warband, but alas, he will never know them.

chaos thug

I’m not sure if the second guy is an actual Chaos Warrior or if he’s just cosplaying as one. Another lovely little miniature nonetheless, though.

cultist and chaos warriors

So these guys will all go into the mix for future dungeon crawler adventures. They’ll make ideal opponents for my party of heroes.

cave lurker

This Cave Lurker reminds me a bit of the old Ambull from the Citadel Combat Cards.

blood bowl beastmen

And speaking of Citadel, let’s temporarily leave the Midlam universe. I found a pile of old metal Blood Bowl beastmen in a box in the attic last year. I very nearly stuck them on Ebay, but I decided to paint them up instead.

blood bowl beastman

I’ve got 9 in total, so this might well be an excuse to complete a full team and hunt out a copy of the game.

rocky vs lizardman

Back to Midlam, these two guys are pals of the Cave Lurker. I actually managed to prime, paint, and base them both in one single day.


Same with this guy. I wonder if he’s related to the big sweetcorn salesman?

rock demon

‘Rocky’ here could easily pass for a Rock Demon in Peter V. Brett’s Demon Cycle series.


As for this lad, I wonder how he’d have integrated into my old lizardman army. We will never know because I sold the thing.

rocky vs lizardman

So that’s my latest work from an unusually productive period. I’d just recently finished a batch of miniatures including some Battlemasters greenskins, Chaos Dwarfs, and an old Warhammer 40k Hero.

Next up on the painting table? Would you believe it… some more Midlam Miniatures…

From Battlemasters to Dungeon Masters

Well, not quite “masters”… minions, more like… these Battlemasters baddies are coming to a dungeon near you…

orc and goblin from Battlemasters

I’ve just finished painting up my latest handful of miniatures. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that I’ve been dabbling with Dungeon Saga. I wanted to populate the dungeons with my own unique miniatures, so I have formed up a party of heroes, and some Lovecraftian horrors to pit them against.

Battlemasters goblin

I had a few miniatures from the classic Battlemasters game of my childhood lying around. I decided to put an orc-goblin duo to work as dungeon minions.

Orc warrior from Battlemasters game

I added the shields to give the miniatures a bit more depth. I am not 100% sure where I got them, but I think it might’ve been Knightmare. You can find out more about Knightmare in my Oldhammer miniature companies post.

Warhammer Chaos Dwarf

This Chaos Dwarf is another old monopose plastic miniature getting a lick of paint and a fancy shield. I found him in my nephew’s Lego toybox of all places. His spear is slightly bent, probably an injury inflicted by a Lego batman or something. He looks slightly better than he did, in any case.

Two headed Chaos Dwarf

I didn’t put the Chaos Dwarf in the dungeon because I’d already been painting this fellow. I am sure I got him from CP Models.

Warhammer 40,000 - Redemptor Kyrinov, Confessor of the Ministorum

Not had enough 90s throwbacks yet? Fair enough. We move from Battlemasters to Warhammer 40k, and the pious loudmouth that is Redemptor Kyrinov, Confessor of the Ministorum. He’s backed up by two Warmonger Miniatures’ Plague Apothecaries. This is all part of my sci-fi dystopia project.


Kyrinov will be placed in responsible charge of these endoskeleton miniatures from Terminator Genesys.

Battlemasters orc lays in wait for an ambush

That’s all for now, though. We’re all waiting to see who comes through that dungeon door next. Will it be more Battlemasters characters? Someone from HeroQuest, perhaps?

Remember to check out who’s already down there in my Dungeons & Badgers, Populating a Lovecraftian Dungeon, and Dungeon Saga posts!

Populating a Lovecraftian Dungeon

A few months ago I talked about getting into Dungeon Saga, a cracking dungeon crawler game by Mantic. I also picked up the Adventurer’s Companion supplement which gives you the tools to create your own scenarios, campaigns, and characters.

My first move was to put together 4 mighty heroes, and I picked out miniatures from the Oathsworn range, which are a favourite of mine. I posted pics of the finished characters in my Dungeons & Badgers article.

The next step was to populate the dungeon with some new and interesting baddies…

Kraken cultists

Long-term readers to this blog will know that I’m a big fan of Midlam Miniatures. They have a range known as Cult of the Kraken Lord, and, being a fan of Lovecraftian fiction, I was immediately drawn to them.

High Priest Kroll

High Priest Kroll comes on this nautical-themed toilet. He’s been on there a while because the person before him forgot to replace the bog roll.


Cp Models were a company on my radar since writing my Oldhammer miniature companies roundup. I placed an order with them recently, and threw in these Spectres with Scythes. The bases on these guys are from Warbases.

Kraken cultists

Kraken Cultists queue outside the toilet, waiting on High Priest Kroll to be done.


Meanwhile, the spectres titter away at the shortage of bog roll for those squid-faced buffoons.

Night Horror

We’re not done with the puerile commentary yet either. Here’s another one from Cp Miniatures, known simply as ‘Night Horror’. Yup…

Night Horror and Squirrel Knight

Sir Verlburch, Squirrel Knight, has spotted some nuts, and he’s about to have them off with that big axe of his.

Spectre with scythe

I look forward to my anthropomorphic dungeon delvers ploughing through these Kraken Cultists and Spectres. I’ll be doing a bit of solo play soon to test them all out.

High Priest Kroll

Meanwhile, would someone please fetch poor Kroll some newspaper or something? Seriously, he’s been in there a long time…

Traditional Spooky Characters

Lovecraftian creatures weren’t all I’ve been painting in this batch of dungeon baddies. I found another couple of nice minis on the Midlam site, and thought they’d make great Boss characters.

Lady Clarissa De Collate

The first is Lady Clarissa De Collate.

Don't fear the Reaper

The second is that old clock-watcher himself, the Grim Reaper.

Lady Clarissa De Collate and the Grim Reaper

“My head’s been all over the place since we last met. I don’t think we should see one another any more.”

Lady Clarissa De Collate by Midlam Miniatures

So there you have it, my latest bunch of miniatures moved from the “to-do” pile to the “done” pile. Next up, I’ve a bunch of 6mm stuff I might focus on as a bit of a palette cleanser.

In the meantime, if you like a good dungeon bash, be sure to check out my miniatures for Dungeon Saga, as well as my brave party of heroes.

Thanks as always for reading!

The Beastie Boys: A Knightmare of Chaos Beastmen

Chaos Beastmen Unit

The excellent Knightmare Miniatures make up the spine of my Oldhammer Chaos Warrior Warband. I’ve also put together a small unit of goblin archers from their range.

Chaos Beastman
Ragnar Gorehide

This time around, it was time to build a Chaos Beastmen Herd. There’s a lot of great beastmen miniatures in the Knightmare catalogue, so I picked out my favourite 10, along with a Greater Daemon to lead them.

Chaos Daemon

The big guy came with wings, but I didn’t stick them on in the end. Help keep his feet on the ground and all that…

Chaos Beastman
Drakkon Skullcleaver

This fellow is a sort of three-eyed Highland Cow. Udderly terrifying.

Chaos Beastman
Thrakor Triclaw

Also coming in threes was this beastman’s arms. He can dig the garden whilst making a sandwich at the same time.

Chaos Beastman
Morthak the Ravager

This chap has the only pair of feet in the warband that aren’t cloven. Hoove had thought it?

Chaos Beastman
Gorath Darkwing

I reckon the shaman is a bit bat-like. A bat with hooves, though.

Chaos Beastmen

The customary ‘three miniatures walking through a castle gate’ shot.

Chaos Beastman
Vraxor Goatskull

A beastman who’s gran is always asking him if he’s eating well.

Chaos Daemon

More of the big lad.

Chaos Beastman
Uthrak Bloodhoof

The ‘get off my lawn’ beastman.

Chaos Beastman
Kragoth the Putrid

Spot the Nurgle worshipper. There’s always one…

Chaos Beastman
Drugar Warhoof

Smug youngblood with golden earring and ideas way above his station.

Chaos Beastman
Murgoth Krakenborn

I imagine this guy spends a lot of time thinking about where he should actually live. Under the sea? In the forest? Dry tentacles or wet fur? What’s the lesser of the two evils?

Chaos Beastmen Unit

As usual, I stuck them on a Warbases tray so they’ll work equally as well in big rank and flank games as they will in small-scale skirmishes. Remember to also check out my Chaos Warrior Warband and Goblin Archer unit – both of which are made up heavily of Knightmare miniatures!

Thanks for reading 🙂

My Miniature Painting in 2020: An Improvement?

You don’t need to look far (or hard) online to find a better miniature painter than yourself. That’s as relevant to the seasoned pros as it is to aspiring plodders like myself.

As I keep saying on this blog though, you can only really compare your work to your older work. That’s the only true barometer when it comes to miniature painting progress.

As it’s January 2021, I thought I’d take a look back at my progress this year. I’ve posted monthly hobby updates since I launched the site, so it was easy to skim through. I’ve picked out a few examples to post here.

Chaos Beastmen Unit

Let’s kick off though, with my most recent work. This beast herd was finished up around the New Year period (full report coming soon), and I’m pretty chuffed with how they’ve turned out.

My Early Work in 2020

I was pleased with these paintjobs at the time (and I still think they’re acceptable), but I feel I’m capable of a lot better, one year on.

Warhammer 40k gretchen
Krell: Lord of The Undead
Oathsworn Miniatures raven mage

The Middle of the Year

Those heady days of spring and summer brought a bit of a step up in my techniques. To be honest, I probably got a bit better at taking pictures, too.

Into the Autumn…

Not too much of a difference between these guys and their spring/summer counterparts.

Lovecraftian horror
Chaos trio front
Knightmare Miniatures: Pantheon of Chaos Champion
Old adventurer
Warhammer 40k Space Marine Captain
Starling rogue
Citadel Miniatures Imperial Assassin

Winter is Coming…

Perseverance, practice, curiosity, and an open mind led me to taking another baby step forwards.

chaos warriors
Chaos Beastmen Unit
Chaos Beastman

So there we have it, a year in pictures. Is there an improvement there? I’d say so. If I can just keep practising and learning, then I’ll be able to kick on even more in 2021, too. The main thing above everything else, however, is to simply enjoy the process.

Once again, you can look over my full year’s worth of work in my monthly updates. As ever, thanks for taking the time to read this humble blog 🙂

Dungeons & Badgers

Alright so there are no badgers in my party, but I am of course making reference to Burrows & Badgers by Oathsworn Miniatures. They’re the company behind these lovely little furries.

Oathsworn miniatures making up a Dungeon Saga Heroes party

I recently wrote about buying Mantic’s Dungeon Saga, and painting up all the miniatures. The core heroes in the box were absolutely fine, but, ever the storyteller, I wanted to create something unique for my dungeon delves.

Stinky Bob - Rat Warrior

I’d been dying to buy more stuff from Oathsworn for a while now and this seemed like the ideal project. First up, I replaced the Human Barbarian with this hardy looking anthropomorphic rat. I’ve named him Stinky Bob – there’s a plant theme here, for some reason.

Stinky Bob card
Sir Velburch - Squirrel Knight

Sir Velburch (say it aloud) is a proud looking Squirrel Knight. He replaces the Dwarf Warrior.

Sir Velburch card
Chickweed - Mouse Ranger

Chickweed is my Mouse Ranger, replacing the Elf Ranger. He’s heard a rumour that the dungeons he’ll be looting are a lot like the ones found in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion – jam-packed with lots of cheese wheels.

Chickweed card
Rosa Rugosa - Hare Mage

Out goes the Human Mage, in comes the Hare Mage. Her name is Rosa Rugosa, and she’s a prickly one.

Rose Rugosa card
The adventure begins...

Godspeed my bold adventurers. Delve forth and kill skeleton minions and stuff. Perhaps I’ll find a vet miniature to act as an Apothecary if things get tough down there.

Thanks to Oathsworn for the fantastic miniatures. You can peruse more on my Dungeon Saga adventures right here, and I’ve also been working on some bad guys for the party to fight – check out populating a Lovecraftian dungeon for more on that!