Wargames With Young Kids, & Writing Rangers of Shadow Deep Scenarios

Talented writer Conrad Kinch joins me on this episode of the Tabletop Miniature Podcast to talk about his Rangers of Shadow Deep scenario To Heal the Sick. It’s available in the Star of Alladore supplement.

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On top of that, we chat about a great piece he wrote for Miniature Wargames Magazine (issue 475) on his adventures in gaming with six-year-old twins.

Conrad's article in Miniature Wargames Magazine 475

Conrad is also the author of the novel The Fox Wife’s Tail.

In 2005, a dusty collection of papers were discovered in a cellar in Dublin. Untouched since 1860, the papers told the story of Otaro, a Japanese fencing teacher, and Captain Robert Hood, a discharged American soldier. It was a tale of duels, suspense and adventure in a Japan struggling to come to terms with the realities of the steam-powered 19th century.

When the two friends discover a samurai lord murdered on the road and his only son and heir kidnapped, they find themselves drawn into a mystery as baffling as it is deadly.

They will need sharp wits, sharp swords and stout hearts to survive the enigma that is “The Fox Wife’s Tail.”

Fans of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Patrick O’Brian and Agatha Christie will love this old fashioned adventure story.

How ChatGPT & AI Can Complement the Tabletop Miniature Hobby

Can Artificial Intelligence be used to complement the tabletop miniature hobby? Let’s ask it. Take it away, OpenAI

Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly popular tool in the gaming industry. From driving game simulations to virtual reality (VR) experiences, AI is being used to create immersive and realistic gaming experiences. But one area where AI has been slow to gain traction is in the realm of role-playing games (RPGs).

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We also re-visit Rangers of Shadow Deep: Blood Moon on this episode.

RPGs are a unique type of game that is driven by narrative and character development. Players control a character, oftentimes with a unique set of skills, as they progress through a story-driven adventure. As the player progresses, they make choices that affect the story and character development. But with the introduction of AI, this type of game could potentially be taken to the next level.

AI could be used to generate unique stories and characters that can then be customized based on the player’s choices. AI could also be used to create unique and dynamic NPCs (non-player characters) that can interact with the player in a realistic manner.

AI could be used to create dynamic and interactive environments that can react to the player’s actions. This could include enemy AI that can adapt to the player’s strategy, resulting in a more challenging and rewarding experience. Overall, the potential use of AI in RPG games could lead to an even more immersive and realistic gaming experience. With AI, games could become more dynamic, responsive, and engaging. It could also result in more believable characters and storylines, making the game even more enjoyable.

AI-generated tabletop miniature hobby artwork
AI-generated tabletop miniature hobby artwork

AI & the RPG Hobby

AI can be used to benefit the RPG hobby in a variety of ways.

Dungeon Master-Generated Encounters

AI can be used to generate dynamic and challenging encounters for players, based on the game’s current state. This could include customizing the difficulty of the encounter, as well as adding unique elements such as powerful monsters or traps.

AI-Driven NPCs

AI can be used to create believable and dynamic NPCs. These NPCs could interact with players in a realistic manner, responding to the players’ words and actions.

AI-Controlled Monsters

AI can be used to control the monsters in the game, making them more unpredictable and challenging. This could include monsters that can adapt to the players’ tactics and strategies, making for a more dynamic and engaging experience.

AI-Generated Quests

AI can be used to generate unique and interesting quests for players to complete. These quests could include various objectives and enemies, as well as unique rewards and storylines.

AI-Controlled World Events

AI can be used to create and control random world events. These events could range from natural disasters to political turmoil, and could have a profound impact on the game’s world and characters.

The AI writes a Warhammer army list

AI & Miniature Wargames

AI can also be used to benefit miniature wargames in a variety of ways.

AI-Generated Scenarios

AI can be used to generate unique and dynamic scenarios for players to play out. This could include customizing the battlefield, terrain, objectives, and enemies.

AI-Generated Units

AI can be used to generate units for players to command. This could include customizing the units’ stats, equipment, and abilities.

AI-Controlled Enemies

AI can be used to control enemy units, making them more unpredictable and challenging. This could include enemy units that can adapt to the players’ tactics and strategies.

AI-Generated Strategies

AI can be used to generate strategies for players to follow. This could include customizing the tactics, objectives, and resources available.

AI-Controlled Events

AI can be used to generate and control various events on the battlefield. This could include weather, terrain, and even random events that could affect the game.

Summary: How AI Can Complement the Tabletop Miniature Hobby

The potential benefits of AI in the tabletop miniature hobby are numerous. AI can be used to generate a more immersive and dynamic experience for players. It can also provide an extra layer of complexity and challenge to the game.

AI can be used to generate unique scenarios and objectives for players to complete. This could include customizing the battlefield, terrain, objectives, and enemies. AI can also be used to generate units for players to command. This could include customizing the units’ stats, equipment, and abilities.

AI-controlled enemies can be used to make the game more unpredictable and challenging. AI can also be used to generate strategies for players to follow. This could include customizing the tactics, objectives, and resources available. Finally, AI can be used to control various events on the battlefield, such as weather, terrain, and random events.

Thanks for these hot takes, you clever big robot. Oh, and please, don’t annihilate us humans as soon as you have the capability to do so. Which probably won’t be that long, will it?

Blood Moon: Rangers of Shadow Deep (A Lycanthrope Cluedo)

Blood Moon is the first micro-supplement for Rangers of Shadow Deep. Having enjoyed The Deserted Village, The Infected Trees, and The Bridge Guards scenarios, we were excited to get to grips with this one.


Unfortunately, after a positive start, we misinterpreted a vital rule and botched the entire thing. We were keeping investigation scores for each auxiliary companion as opposed to one single collective score. Now that we know what we did wrong, it makes perfect sense. It isn’t the clearest when you read it in the book, though, and we aren’t the brightest of chaps, so it was the perfect storm.

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Lesson learned, though. We’ll definitely be arranging a rematch in the very near future.


We did get to fight some giant rats before it all went wrong.


As well as some giant flies.


But not really any wolves. This certainly never happened.


Nor did this.


Our auxiliary companions, Seb, Orla, Nicolan, and Covin. None of them were the werewolf, so in some ways, this game was a tremendous success.


The Manor House. Built with some kids wooden blocks, and furniture from Dungeon Saga.


Range-ers of Shadow Deep.


Dangers of Shadow Deep. We did get to fight and kill this werewolf. Eventually. Is it acceptable to skin it and wear its fur? Or would it turn back into mouldy human skin once the moon went away?


Thanks for taking a look at our failed (but still fun) game of Blood Moon. You’ll find all of our other Rangers of Shadow Deep content right here.

Here is the full range of pictures and miniatures from our Blood Moon game, too.

And be sure to subscribe to or follow the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast on your listening app of choice.

A Visit to Warhammer World

Spectacular dioramas, beer, and just a teasing hint of nostalgia. My thoughts on a recent visit to Warhammer World.


Bumped into Horus and the Emperor at Warhammer World. I get the impression things aren’t great between them.

After a 20+ year break from the hobby, I decided to pick up a paintbrush again. I quickly discovered that there’s more to life than Games Workshop, though the company, their games, and their lore are still a massive part of my childhood.

Battlemasters, Christmas day 1992
Christmas day 1992, popping the Battlemasters sprues alongside my late brother.

My hobby journey started in the early 90s. Citadel Combat Cards, Battlemasters, HeroQuest, White Dwarf, Warhammer Fourth Edition, Epic Space Marine, and Warhammer 40k Second Edition. Like most other kids growing up with this stuff, I lost interest in my early teens. And just like many others, I came back into it again as a “grown-up”.

outside Warhammer World
30 years later, outside the home of Games Workshop

I’ll admit that the modern Games Workshop stuff doesn’t appeal to me very much. I miss the old colourful and fun aesthetics. But, I know that things change and move on. You can’t argue with the company’s size, success, and the mark they’ve made.

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So even though I’m unlikely ever to play a game of Age of Sigmar, or buy any new miniature from GW, I still jumped at the chance to visit Warhammer World when the opportunity arose.

Visiting Warhammer World

I knew very little about Warhammer World beforehand, so wasn’t sure what to expect. The building is split into different areas, you have the exhibition, the shop, the gaming area, and Bugman’s Bar for your refreshment needs.

See my full gallery of pics from Warhammer World.

My main aims here were to see the exhibition and to get a couple of pints. I still had a wee look around the gaming area though, and it had some pretty impressive tables.

Tickets to the exhibition were a very reasonable £7.50, and you could go round it as many times as you wanted.

It’s a place packed with vast, world-class dioramas. Seriously impressive stuff on that front. There was the odd classic on show, too. Mike McVey’s Emperor Vs Horus from 1994, and John Blanche’s 1982 masterpiece March of the Undead.

My one small gripe (if you could call it that) was that I was hoping for more of a museum or “through the ages” experience. There were some great wee 80s and 90s bits and pieces here and there, but they can get lost amongst the epic sprawling warzones of the modern era. It’s almost as if the company want to pull you back to the present day as quickly and as regularly as possible. I suppose that is how they make their money, after all.

In any case, this didn’t spoil my experience, and I had a great time. We finished up with a few beers, a walk around the shop, and then back off to Nottingham town centre via the excellent Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem (England’s oldest Inn, apparently!).

Also on this episode of the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast:

Time Flies by When You’re a Chaos Lizardman

I’ve painted a very small amount of miniature in the past six weeks. Nevertheless, it’s still progress.


Latest Podcast Episode: Miniature Transportation, Fish Tank Terrain, & Warhammer-Themed Recipes

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Do you ever think to yourself “if I owned a Warhammer-themed cafe, what would be on the menu?”.


Well, strap yourself in. You’re about to.

In this episode, I also ask the question “do Games Workshop’s paints have an accessibility issue?”, and persistently get the names of miniature companies mixed up.

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My super-expensive high-end miniature transportation solution.


And I’ve been painting miniatures from Midlam, Otherworld, and North Star.







Frostgrave Vs Rangers of Shadow Deep

This isn’t a direct comparison of Frostgrave Vs Rangers of Shadow Deep. We’ve covered the ins and outs of the latter quite a bit on this podcast, already. Instead, we’re going to turn our attention to the frozen city, and delve into the Frostgrave rules (and spells) to see the similarities and differences between these two excellent games.


Rangers of Shadow Deep episodes on the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast so far.

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Not content with reading through the Frostgrave rulebook, we then take the heroic next step – put some little painted toys on a table, roll dice, and probe measuring tapes about the place.


The forces of good. Our Rangers of Shadow Deep crew are led by illusionist Claire with the Bear, and her apprentice, Russell Sprout.


They’re up against the forces of evil – led by summoner Courtney Lovecraft, and her apprentice, Squid Vicious.


The forces assemble. Photo credit, Vinny the Vulture, who did not take part.


Claire and Russell were joined by ‘Adam & his Apple’. A fast runner who eats his five a day.


An Orc Brute. Surely he’ll mash a few heads in. Surely….?


A Chaos Goblin champion and his two Chaos Warrior chums.


An Orc Warrior, and veteran of Battlemasters. He’s seen it all.


Squid Vicious, apprentice to Courtney Lovecraft.


A Chaos Dwarf with two heads, and Weird Willie (left) with… well, you know…


This didn’t actually happen (summoning a greater daemon was way too hard) but I thought it made for a cool picture.


It reminds me of a sort of grimdark Bioshock.


The kids went without supper that evening, purely because Stu was away out with his mum’s best pot on his head.


As for the big guy? Turns out he only needed directions to the post office.


The game in full swing.

Frostgrave Vs Rangers of Shadow Deep

Thanks as always for listening to the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, and please remember to follow or subscribe on your listening app of choice!

From Stripping Paint to Storytelling

On this episode of the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, I’m joined by George, a returned hobbyist and fiction podcaster. George is the writer and creator of The Tales of Hobgob & Mulch. This is a show that draws some inspiration from the Warhammer world, though perhaps through a somewhat lighter lens.

We talk a bit about storytelling and fiction podcasting. I also mention The Witch Hunter Chronicles, and, if you’re in the mood for some high-fantasy audio fiction with a (very) NSFW twist, check out The Lords of the Ring Piece.


Elsewhere on the episode, a big thanks to our sponsor Midlam Miniatures, and I talk about my recent completion of a band of their junior townsfolk range – see my pictures in the link, there.

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Then it’s on to the serious matter of stripping paint. We spend all that time talking about unpainted miniatures building up, so what do we also like to do? Remove the paint from those we’ve actually finished.


As I mention on the episode, though, there were a few minis from both childhood and early on in my “return” that I thought looked terrible. I really wanted to use these guys in various future projects. After some failed attempts with methylated spirits and Dettol, Biostrip 20 took that paint off faster than the guy in the takeaway shop shaves a stick of doner meat. A big thanks to the folks on Discord who helped me see the light (and the shiny metal), here!


By the way, that red grout brush is really good too. That said, after a bath in the Biostrip you could probably dab the paint off with cotton wool.

Finally, I talked about the pros and cons of 2D terrain. I recently got my hands on this wee kit, and, in the main, I love it.


Thanks as always for listening to the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, and please remember to follow or subscribe on your listening app of choice!

The Bridge Guards: A Post-Game Podcast Chat

We’re no strangers to Rangers of Shadow Deep on the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast. If you’ve followed along so far, you’ll have heard our campaign progress as we played through the Deserted Village and Infected Trees scenarios that made up Mission One.


Gnoll’s House Party: The lads prepare to toast some marshmallows around the campfire

Now it was time to kick off Mission Two (The Beacon Tower) with its first scenario, The Bridge Guards. Here, we see the introduction of the Gnolls, and those were a mixture of beastmen and goblins on our tabletop.

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The gnolls were guarding a bridge (hence the aptly named scenario) over a fast-flowing and very cold river, which we needed to get across on our way to Tor Varden.


The stage is set

I took Joe McCullough’s “wooden blocks” advice on this scenario. The table had to be strewn with rocks, boulders, and general cover – the idea being that the Rangers have the element of surprise (at least, until one of my guys manages to blow our cover pretty early on!).


A Vinny the Vulture-eye view of the table

I even used these blocks to build the bridge itself. Sure, it doesn’t look ultra-realistic, but suspension of disbelief quickly kicks in the minute the first dice is rolled.


The well-guarded bridge

We upped the challenge level by adding in a “Gnoll Lord”, who basically took the stat line of an ogre. We also gave ourselves some extra backup with the addition of ‘Goatsy’ – and he had a very interesting afternoon indeed!


Goatsy: Will we ever see his like again?

Keeping the Joe McCulloch theme of this episode, I also wanted to chat about a book I recently bought and read through – Frostgrave supplement Perilous Dark. This excellent solo/co-op guide combines pre-written scenarios with a lot of how-to advice on creating your own scenarios and campaigns of this nature. Big thanks to friend of the show Mark on our Discord channel for the heads up about it!

More Photos From The Bridge Guards

This episode is sponsored by Midlam Miniatures. Three of the miniatures used in this scenario were bought from Midlam – Goatsy, Boarus, and the big lizardy lad playing the role of the Gnoll Sergeant on the bridge. You can see pics of the Kraken Cult, Grim Reaper, and Headless Lady miniatures mentioned in my post about Populating a Lovecraftian Dungeon.


Harald Half-Orc. Boarus, and Vinny


Fun Gus, Grubb, and Count Gunther


Quite literally the bridge guards. Note that the Gnoll sergeant is too tough for clothes.


One last shot before all Hell broke loose.


Remember, we have similar reports from the Deserted Village and Infected Trees scenarios on the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, too.

A big thanks to Midlam Miniatures for sponsoring this episode!

Tabletop Scotland 2022, & The Importance of In-Person Events

Tabletop Scotland 2022 is an event that takes place over the weekend of the 27th and 28th of August 2022. The venue is Dewars Centre in Perth.

tabletop Scotland showcases card, board, and RPG games for all.
A few keen cosplayers make their way through the door at a previous Tabletop Scotland event.

The show promises something for everyone, whether you’re a hobby veteran or completely new to it all. You’ll find card games, board games, and roleplaying games all represented, and there are plenty of opportunities to pick up some new miniatures and terrain for your collection.

On this episode, I’m joined by John who’s one of the organisers of Tabletop Scotland. We talk about the birth of the event, its history, and what’s in store for 2022.

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If you’re not based in Scotland though, or simply can’t make it along to the event, then this episode is still worth your while. We also talk about the importance of “real life” and in-person hobby stuff. Podcasts, online communities, and remote gaming are all brilliant in their own ways. But the hobby is a tangible one, and, as John puts it, we are social beings. So no matter where you are in the world, remember there are always opportunities to find local gamers to play against.

We also had a chat about John’s hobby background. He’s the first guest on the show that’s openly said he hates painting miniatures and will do anything to avoid it (whilst still managing to field fully painted armies). This shines a light on the depth and value of the tabletop miniature hobby, and gives an example that you don’t need to do everything. Just pick out the bits you like, and enjoy them.

Horus Heresy was also on the agenda, because, why wouldn’t it be? John’s the proud owner of the old card game version and has played it regularly for the past 30 years. He sounds excited to dive into the new one, too.

If this is your first time listening to the podcast, then thanks for giving it a shot. Remember to check out our full list of episodes right here.

Finally, we have a new Discord channel for the show. It’d be great to see you in there, if you’re so inclined.

How to Find Local Gamers: The Miniature Hobbyist’s Six Tip Guide

“How to find local gamers” is probably the biggest problem facing the modern-day miniature hobby enthusiast. Very few of us are looking for a game every night, or even every week. But let’s face it, we’d all probably like to play at least a handful more games each year.

Chaotic warband: How to find local gamers
Those weird guys down your local club or store.

On this episode of the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, I’m teaming up with Dan of Paint All The Minis to try and help you get more games in.

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How to Find Local Gamers

Dan and I found there to be six ways to find local gamers to play miniature games against (and with). We go into depth on each in this episode, but at a glance, here they are:

Convert a Friend: Is there someone you already know who might enjoy a game of something. Dan likes to test the water with an out-the-box game like Space Hulk. I think Song of Blades & Heroes works well for this.

Play Solo: Do you need to find local gamers to play against? Not necessarily. Solo wargaming exploded in popularity during the pandemic, and Rangers of Shadow Deep is one of the best games around.

Your Local Club or Store: Sounds like a no-brainer, but here’s a place where you’ll definitely find local gamers.

Apps & Tech: GameFor was a handy app where you could find gamers in your area. It isn’t available at the moment, but it’s apparently on its way back. Dan also recommends Tabletop Simulator which is the best online substitute for an in-person game.

Posters or Flyers: Is there a local community centre or library in your area? Then why not stick something up on their noticeboard. Better yet, order a few thousand leaflets and pop them through every door in your neighbourhood!

Social Media: The low-hanging fruit option. The games you like probably have communities on platforms like Facebook and Reddit. So why not just ask if there’s anyone nearby?