I first heard about the concept of “slow hobbying” in a 2021 episode of the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast. During this conversation, guest Rik talked about a blog post on the Ninth Age forums (which sadly no longer seems to be available). The idea struck a chord with me, and it’s always something I’ve wanted to revisit and try to solidify.
With that in mind, here is an (admittedly quite grandiose-sounding) attempt at a “manifesto” for the Slow Hobbyists out there.
In the realm of tabletop miniature wargaming, we, the Slow Hobbyists, proudly declare our allegiance to a philosophy that values depth over breadth, tradition over trends, and the joy of a well-crafted experience over the rush of the new. Our manifesto stands as a testament to our commitment to the slow and deliberate pursuit of the hobby we love.

1. A Miniature-Agnostic Approach
We embrace a diverse array of miniatures, choosing models based on our personal preferences rather than succumbing to the pressure of the latest releases. Our armies are a unique reflection of our individual tastes and creativity.
2. The Art of Patience
We reject the notion of instant gratification and embrace the slow, meditative process of painting. A little progress each week accumulates into a masterpiece over the course of a year. Our armies are not just collections; they are the product of patience, dedication, and love for the craft.
3. Deep Dive into Rulesets
We immerse ourselves in the intricacies of rulesets, delving deep into the nuances of each game system we adopt. We value mastery over variety, savouring the richness of each rulebook and relishing the strategic depth that comes with a profound understanding of the mechanics.
4. Resistance to Hype
We resist the allure of new releases and the constant drumbeat of hype that surrounds them. Our choices are guided by genuine interest and the desire for a lasting connection with our miniatures and the games we play. Trends may come and go, but our commitment endures.
5. Nostalgia as a Guiding Light
We cherish the nostalgia of old rules systems, classic miniatures, and the timeless aesthetic of traditional craftsmanship. Our journey is a celebration of the history and evolution of the hobby, honouring the pioneers and the classics that paved the way.
6. Quality over Quantity in Gaming
We may not have the opportunity to play games frequently, but when we do, it is a cherished occasion. Each game is an immersive experience, and we savour the camaraderie, strategy, and narrative unfolding on the tabletop.
7. Favouring Storytelling and Narrative Experience
We prioritize the narrative experience on the tabletop, weaving rich stories around our armies and battles. Each miniature represents a character with a history, and every game unfolds as a chapter in an ongoing saga. The narrative adds depth and meaning to our hobby, transcending the mere mechanics of play.
8. Rejecting the Notion of Perfect Balance
We reject the pressure for every game to be perfectly balanced and fair. Embracing the unpredictability and quirks of the rules, we find joy in the narrative twists that arise from the unbalanced nature of our chosen games. It is in these imbalances that stories become more vibrant, unique, and memorable.
9. Being Good Stewards of the Hobby
We recognize our role as custodians of a rich and storied tradition. We lead by example, inspiring younger generations to embrace the slow, deliberate approach that defines our passion. We encourage patience, creativity, and a genuine love for the craft, nurturing a community where the values of the hobby endure and flourish, and all are welcome.
10. Community and Camaraderie
We build a community based on shared values, camaraderie, and a genuine passion for the hobby. Our gatherings are not just about the games but also about the exchange of ideas, tips, and the joy derived from our collective creativity.
In embracing these principles, we, the Slow Hobbyists, stand united. Our journey is one of mindful creation, enduring appreciation, and a commitment to the timeless essence of tabletop miniature wargaming. Together, we forge a path that enriches our lives and leaves a lasting legacy in the world of miniatures and games.