Painting and has been a bit slower recently due to the better weather, easing of restrictions, and a few other commitments taking up a bit of my free time. Nevertheless, I’ve still managed to get another wee batch of minis finished up, starting with these Chaos Space Raiders from Diehard.

I came across these guys whilst researching options for Rogue Trader-esque Stargrave crews. They’re big chunky marines with a fantastic Oldhammer aesthetic.

Jadus Blakk’ here was the hardest miniature I’ve ever tried to photograph. There’s quite a lot going on with him.

You can pick him up for £6 on the Diehard Miniatures site.

With those 4 big exhaust pipes, he’s hardly what you’d call an Eco Warrior, eh? I wonder if his suit’s a nightmare to get through its MOT.

Back in May I painted some Chaos Dwarfs. I had another one of these obnoxious little guys in my to-do pile, so here he is.

Not to be out-tusked though, it’s a Boar Man from Midlam Miniatures.

I paint a lot of miniatures from the Midlam range, they’re definitely one of my favourite companies. I go on about them a lot though, and I don’t want to ‘boar’ you… 😐

So I’ll move on to another company I’m always banging on about – Knightmare. Here’s two more splendid tusks, too, sported by Commander Tusker himself.

I’ve built a lot of skirmish warbands from the Knightmare range, including Beastmen, Chaos Warriors, and Goblin Archers.

Swinging back round to the Diehard Space Raiders too, here’s Amorbis Zoon’…

I did him “a bit Nurgly”, if that’s an actual term.
So there’s the fruits of my labour this past month or so. I’ve plenty more to be getting cracked on with this summer, but for extra servings of my finished work, check out Chaos, Cultists, & Blood Bowl Beastmen, as well as From Battlemasters to Dungeon Masters.