September 2020: Hobby Productivity Blog #10

One of the big positives of keeping a productivity blog is looking back at how much you’ve achieved over the past month. Obviously that swings both ways, and some months I’ll reflect and think “is that it?”. But September has been quite fruitful for me.

Chaos trio front

I did this trio of Chaos baddies. The beastman and archer were old Battlemasters miniatures. The multi-limbed champion is by Knightmare Miniatures.

Chaos trio rear

I’m always banging on about the Oldhammer aesthetic, and that prompted me to do a roundup of Oldhammer Miniature Companies I’m aware of.

Chaos champion
Javvo the Productive – Chaos Multitasker
Old adventurer

Another company with a great old school aesthetic that I like to buy from, are Midlam Miniatures.

Female adventurer

I needed some additional fighters for my village militia units. More on that a bit further on.

Starling rogue

Oathsworn are another miniature company I’m a big fan of. Here’s a Starling Rogue that I painted up.

Plague doctor front

This Plague Apothecary (from Warmonger) is a miniature I’ve had for a while, and finally got round to slapping some paint on it. I’m trying to get better at big smooth flat areas (like capes and coats).

Plague doctor rear

I’m not 100% happy with it, but practice and progress beats perfection every time.

Lovecraftian horror

This Lovecraftian horror is another Midlam miniature. A really cool little figure.

Standing stone original

In terrain news, I found this standing stone I’d “made” as a kid (circa 1995). I very nearly threw it out, but then decided to give it some TLC.

Standing stone primed

A bit of a zenithal priming and some Citadel contrast paint had it looking much better in no time.

Standing stone completed

Seems to work pretty well on the battlefield, and makes a nice addition to my terrain collection (with added nostalgia factor, too!).

warbases movement trays

It was a big month for movement trays. I bought a pile of these ‘Infamy Mob’ trays from Warbases.

village guard

I like the way they house units that wouldn’t look quite right formed up into neat, organised regiments.

village militia

I now have 2 completed village militia units.

Goblin and snotling unit

These guys are a mixture of goblins and snotlings.

Snotling unit

Whilst these are exclusively snotlings. They’re from the old metal blister packs where they were all meant to be based on the same little square, to act as a swarm in Warhammer or 40k.

Krell's skeleton guard

Here’s the classic Krell miniature leading some modern-day GW skeletons into battle.

Chaos marauders

And more modern-day GW miniatures – this unit of Chaos Marauders I’d finished up last month. I have 10 more still to paint, and those will form up a second regiment.

And that’s about it. As I say, not a bad month looking back on it. I’m starting some new projects but I’ll save those for my October update. In the meantime, what have you been up to? Fire a comment and a link down into the section below. As ever, I’d love to take a look!

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