We’re over a month into 2024 already, and I managed to get a few things done and finished in January.
Perhaps the most notable was getting to roll some dice and have a game. We played Brutal Quest, using the city of Mordheim as the setting, and adapted a scenario from the excellent Sci-Fi Skirmish Scenarios book to give us something to play for. It was a lot of fun.
I did plan to have an audio battle report on the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast like we’ve done in the past. However, instead of recording a pre-game, mid-game, and post-game chat, I recorded the audio from the entire game. It seemed like a worthwhile experiment, but in hindsight, I’ll struggle to edit three hours of audio into a listenable podcast episode. Hopefully a wee video into and some photos will suffice.
The deadly ruins of Mordheim
The good guys
The bad guys
The Wandering Monster – an idea we pulled from Sci-Fi Skirmish Scenarios.
Baddies’ Hobgoblin Sorcerer Zargul Fireweaver hits a speculative long-range fireball in the 19th minute of injury time.
In 15mm News
My Battlemasters-inspired bad guys 15mm army now has three full units, I’ve added some trolls and Chaos Warriors into the mix, alongside my Orc Warriors and big rock demon-type guy.
I say Battlemasters-inspired because we have greenskins and Chaos Warriors fighting on the same side. And because Battlemasters was a really cool game. My Chaos Warriors (along with my other 15mm units so far) need some decals on their shields, but I’ll get to that when I get to it.
I did the troll’s skin with the Frostheart contrast paint. Here are some work-in-progress pics.
Whatever Floats Your Boat
Man O’War and Armada have been recently discussed topics on the podcast, and I’ve been slowly building my own fleet to set sail, too.

I picked up these nice Man O’War proxies on Etsy. A Royalist Galleon, three Royalist Corsair Ships, and three Royalist Buccaneers.

I got some Armada-appropriate sized MDF bases from Warbases and used Vallejo Plastic Putty to create the sea effect.

I’m using the Asurmen Blue contrast paint on the water, dry brushed with my old pot of Skull White. That’s also a mid-90s Enchanted Blue around the edge. I’m going for a bright and bold look with these ships, rather than getting too involved in the smaller details.
Sarah, Hoggle, Ludo, & Didymus
I posted recently about how my daughter has gone mad for Labyrinth, and that I’d painted up a Jareth miniature.
She’d been going on about “getting her own toy”, and I found these great wee miniatures on Etsy. They’re made of a very durable plastic, which is handy. I’ve just started to paint them up for her, though she still plays with them in between, and has managed to chip the basecoats a bit. I’m not being precious about it, though. They were bought to be played with by a two year old.

But it’ll be a few years before she gets to push these around…