Painting, Playtesting, & Podcasting: August 24′

A wee bit of an update and some pictures to accompany the latest episode of the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast.


I played a couple of games in August, playtesting a skirmish rule system I’ve been tweaking, adapting, and embellishing. There are two variations of it, The Mace of Spades being the fantasy version, and Star Squabble the sci-fi variation.


For the Star Squabble testing, I threw almost all of the terrain I owned onto the tabletop to really fill it up and limit line of sight (there are no range limits in the game). This meant mixing castles and cottages with futuristic sci-fi elements, and I really liked the contrast. See the full photo album over on Flickr.




Some “Scerrain” (scenario-based terrain) – a portal in the middle of the table. The player rolls a D6 upon entering it. 2-5 sees them respawn on a table corner; rolling a six lets them respawn anywhere they like – but a roll of one hands that privilege to their opponent!


Players can also attempt to take control of this machine gun turret high above the battlefield. You can do a bit of damage with that!


In other news, I finished painting a few miniatures, including this fantastic troll from Foundry, a Pict who’s feeling the heat (also from Foundry), and Jeff, the Wandering Wizard.


On top of that, a big unit of goblin spearmen is (finally!) finished. Find out more in my 15mm armies post.