October 2020: Hobby Productivity Blog #11

The end of October sees Bedroom Battlefields celebrate its first birthday. Who knew that one year ago, when this humble blog was launched, it’d go on to become one of the most influential voices in the tabletop miniature hobby?

I mean, I didn’t, because that hasn’t actually happened. But as one of the few folks who does read this thing, I salute you!

Anyway – what did I get done this month. A decent amount of stuff, as it happens.

Oh, and I also discovered a splendid new podcast you might enjoy. It’s called Precinct Omega: Weekly Wargaming Miniatures News & Discussion. Be sure to check it out.

Dungeon Saga by Mantic

So I’ve spent the past couple of months researching ‘dungeon crawler’ games, and finally settled on Mantic’s Dungeon Saga (and expansion pack, The Adventurers Companion). As you’ll see, I’ve tentatively started to splash some paint on the miniatures, too.

Oldhammer Chaos Warrior warband

I started my project to build a retro-looking Chaos Warrior warband, because I’m a nostalgic bore who’s obsessed with the Oldhammer aesthetic.

A Ral Partha Chaos Warrior
“Sorry pal, you can’t come in. You’re plastic, and you take yourself way too seriously…”
River Horse Games: Terminator Genisys Endoskeletons

I’ve been working on creating my own sci-fi universe to use with some miniature agnostic rulesets. Here are some Terminator miniatures from River Horse. Very simple to paint, but I’m chuffed with the outcome.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine Captain

I found an old Space Marine miniature from my recently unearthed childhood collection, and I gave him a lick of paint. I hadn’t painted a Space Marine since about 1997.

Knoflict '47 Soviet Heavies

The Terminator minis will be up against these Soviet Heavies from Konflikt ’47. Again, I went for a quick and simple paintjob, but they’ve turned out alright.

Knightmare Miniatures: Pantheon of Chaos Champion

I could never go a month without painting something by Knightmare Miniatures. This Chaos Champion has just eaten a very hot curry.

Knightmare Miniatures: Pantheon of Chaos Champion

If that’s what his head looks like, can you imagine his… no, let’s not go there eh…

Citadel Miniatures Imperial Assassin

Another restored childhood mini was this GW Warhammer 40k Imperial Assassin. Just a guy, in Lycra, who likes to kill stuff from a great distance. Very impressive, mate.

Finally, I completed a warband of goblin archers (again, by Knightmare). These were good fun to paint, and relatively quick to get through.

So that’s the fruits of my labour for the month of October 2020. What about you? Painted more stuff? Possibly. Made a better job of it? Definitely. Stick your links and/or updates in the comments section below and give us a wee look.

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