The brief was simple. Paint something that is (or looks) old, and give it a puerile name.
This was the first paint challenge run in the Bedroom Battlefields Discord Server, and it was a lot of fun. There was a good level of participation, a diverse range of models, and the quality of the brushwork was superb.
Here are the photos of everyone’s completed miniatures.

By LateNightPainting
“Here is my metal squig hopper painted up with the Richard Gray paint scheme. Funny faces on these old model, but man, the metal just doesn’t hold paint as well. I think that rattle can is the way to prime metal models. My airbrush primer just rubs off.”

An ogre skeleton from Ral Partha.
By Demonsub – DemonSubMinis

Baron Årsöl of Börll’s Deep
By Mark Smith
Legend has it that the underground city once belonging to the dwarf lord Börll is guarded by a demonic knight, Baron Årsöl, who roams its empty dungeons and corridors howling in pain. Why he does this, nobody knows. But none who have ventured there have made it back alive to tell the tale.

Ligma Balz
By Space Goblin

Bombu Bellybong
By SamuelLarsson
A Games Workshop dwarf from 1985.

Ashat Ma’Sel
By Tom Heaney –
“He is a Citadel C31 Balgorg sculpted by Trisha Morrison. I bought it second-hand from eBay then soaked it in Dettol for about a week.”
Ashat enjoys long walks through barren ash wastelands and swimming in molten lava lakes. If he had one wish, it would be for world peace, by killing and enslaving all living things. His favourite colour is black, and favourite food is grey wizards.
Ashat is currently single and concentrating on his career. He would one day like to find the right lady demon to share his massive pile of skulls.

Shagsmak Skogbuttz
By Ryan – Adventure Built Gaming
“I painted the ork with Army Painter speed paints and starter set for the most part with one or two more paints mixed in. But with a zenithal priming base. As for where the miniature came from, it was made by Games Workshop and released in 97 for the Gorkamorka game.”

Neil Warlock
By the Author
“I bought this guy from Knightmare. He bears a striking resemblance to football manager Neil Warnock.”

Hild Michbieber von Mordheim
By Idle Doodler – There Could Have Been Snakes
“An old handgunner gifted by a friend some 20 years ago, and I kept his original colour scheme. Experimented with acrylic inks and highlights on the clothing, and kept to more familiar layered highlights and washes on the skin. A flocked green base in honour of Goblin Green battlefields everywhere.”

Zhug Ma’Dheek
By CoveringFire (Ted) – OddGitsHut
“I got this miniature in a lot with some 4th edition hobgoblins, and it took quite a while until I was able to identify it as a Hobgoblin rocket launcher crewman. I never intended to use it with my army, so I thought it would be fun to paint it up for this challenge. I found a photo of the original paintjob, so I tried to emulate that using my Nostalgia ’88 paints. I mainly used Orc Brown for the skin.”
When the hobgoblin artillery positions were surrounded during the battle of Scheissdorf in 2478, Zhug was ‘elected’ to negotiate with the humans. As he approached the enemy lines and was called upon to identify himself, Zhug promptly yelled “Zhug Ma’Dheek!” Unfortunately, the Imperial cavalry took this as an outrageous insult and charged…

Do you think we could kickstart a card game featuring these characters in time for Christmas?

Thanks for taking a look. And thanks to everyone who took part, too. It was a lot of fun.
We’ll be running the next painting challenge in December 2022, so be sure to join the discord if you’d like to get involved!