A few months ago I talked about getting into Dungeon Saga, a cracking dungeon crawler game by Mantic. I also picked up the Adventurer’s Companion supplement which gives you the tools to create your own scenarios, campaigns, and characters.
My first move was to put together 4 mighty heroes, and I picked out miniatures from the Oathsworn range, which are a favourite of mine. I posted pics of the finished characters in my Dungeons & Badgers article.
The next step was to populate the dungeon with some new and interesting baddies…

Long-term readers to this blog will know that I’m a big fan of Midlam Miniatures. They have a range known as Cult of the Kraken Lord, and, being a fan of Lovecraftian fiction, I was immediately drawn to them.

High Priest Kroll comes on this nautical-themed toilet. He’s been on there a while because the person before him forgot to replace the bog roll.

Cp Models were a company on my radar since writing my Oldhammer miniature companies roundup. I placed an order with them recently, and threw in these Spectres with Scythes. The bases on these guys are from Warbases.

Kraken Cultists queue outside the toilet, waiting on High Priest Kroll to be done.

Meanwhile, the spectres titter away at the shortage of bog roll for those squid-faced buffoons.

We’re not done with the puerile commentary yet either. Here’s another one from Cp Miniatures, known simply as ‘Night Horror’. Yup…

Sir Verlburch, Squirrel Knight, has spotted some nuts, and he’s about to have them off with that big axe of his.

I look forward to my anthropomorphic dungeon delvers ploughing through these Kraken Cultists and Spectres. I’ll be doing a bit of solo play soon to test them all out.

Meanwhile, would someone please fetch poor Kroll some newspaper or something? Seriously, he’s been in there a long time…
Traditional Spooky Characters
Lovecraftian creatures weren’t all I’ve been painting in this batch of dungeon baddies. I found another couple of nice minis on the Midlam site, and thought they’d make great Boss characters.

The first is Lady Clarissa De Collate.

The second is that old clock-watcher himself, the Grim Reaper.

“My head’s been all over the place since we last met. I don’t think we should see one another any more.”

So there you have it, my latest bunch of miniatures moved from the “to-do” pile to the “done” pile. Next up, I’ve a bunch of 6mm stuff I might focus on as a bit of a palette cleanser.
In the meantime, if you like a good dungeon bash, be sure to check out my miniatures for Dungeon Saga, as well as my brave party of heroes.
Thanks as always for reading!