My two-year-old daughter is obsessed with Labyrinth. What kind of Dad would I be if I didn’t jump on the bandwagon?
I picked up this Jareth 3D print from Etsy (I found more Labyrinth figures, which are now ordered and on the way, too).
I found him to be a fun, novel painting experience. And he’ll fit in well as leader of my growing goblin warband.
Elsewhere, I had a couple of captive/prisoner minis from Midlam.
These will come in handy for story-driven narrative scenarios.
Whilst shopping for 15mm stuff on the Ral Partha site, I couldn’t resist this Kev Adams demon, either.
If you asked Alexa to show you the opposite of a modern-day GW miniature, this is exactly what it would come up with.

Speaking of 15mm, I do have some stuff in the works there, too, including this cannon. I bought the crew separately and found they (and their kit) all fitted nicely onto one 40mm x 40mm base.
I have some chaos warriors and trolls for my 15mm project nearing completion, and I’ll have photos of them in my next update.