January 2020: Hobby Productivity Blog #2

Progress has been fairly slow so far this month. But I’ve not actually bought any new miniatures this year, and am determined to work through a bulk of my to-do list first.

I’m trying to improve on the brush care front too. And I’m making an effort to paint from a wet pallet as much as possible.

I got myself a better light last month – an LED one. I was just painting with a normal lamp until recently and minis that looked okay in the evening, turned out to be utterly horrifying in the daylight. A familiar old story eh…

Anyway, I did some archers and knights from my Perry Miniatures boxes. The two-sword fighter and halfling are by Midlam Miniatures.

An almost done warband

I visited the Warbases HQ this month and was lucky to come away with some freebies. Painting these up is on the to-do list, and I’ve even made a start on some of them.

Warbases freebies

In December, I bought my first Games Workshop miniatures in a couple of decades – a unit of skeletons. I’ve just started painting these. I’m creating a warband led by a plague doctor from Warmonger Miniatures. I’ve named him Isaac Bonefingers, and he’s backed up by his faithful servant, who’s an old GW ghoul.

Skeletons from GW (mainly)

Finally, this big guy is Demon Prince K’thul from Knightmare Miniatures. He’s primed black and ready for a drybrush (pretty much the extent of my talents at the moment). I did spend a wee bit of time on the base, using stuff from the skeleton kit to liven it up.

A big daemon from Knightmare Miniatures

So that’s my workload at the moment. I’ve also had my head turned by these vikings from Victrix and I think they might be my next purchase. Still showing iron resolve and not splashing out though. Not that I’ve any money to spend anyway… been hit with a few “life” bills this month!

That’s all for now. What have you been up to? Let me know in the comments below!

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