Taking a nostalgic look at the Herohammer era with Wargames Orchard presenter Nathan Stone.
“The Wargames Orchard is podcast dedicated to exploring Warhammer in a whole new way! We dive into the lore, rules, armies, and units from 1st to 8th edition Fantasy and 40k! You’ll also find a bit of news, hobby talk, and silly games inside. The perfect podcast to accompany your hobby!”
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On this episode, we’re joined by Wargames Orchard presenter Nathan Stone – someone with an encyclopaedic knowledge of Warhammer lore. We talk about the Herohammer era and why it’s so compelling. Where did regiments of skeletons find nice matching shields and shiny red-handled spears? Why did Space Marines fight Orks and Genestealers on lush green grass under stunning blue skies? Couldn’t they have enjoyed a picnic together instead, basking in the idyllic scenery? And why did the Herohammer era gradually fade to be replaced by a much more grimdark alternative?

We also talk about Games Workshop alternatives, from the rank and flank mass fantasy battle title Kings of War, to Knightmare Miniatures and other manufacturers with a classic Citadel aesthetic.

We also talk about what every sane and normal person would do if they had access to a time machine – travel back to shop in a Games Workshop store in the mid-90s. If Nathan had $100 in his wallet, what would be on his shopping list, and why?
This is the first episode of the Bedroom Battlefields Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, and it’s the aim to push out new episodes on at least a semi-regular basis. Just like this episode, we’ll be covering various aspects of the hobby, often with a nostalgic twist. Be sure to subscribe on your podcast listening app of choice so you never miss an episode.
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