From Drunken Weasels to Mole Friars: The Loveable Charm of Oathsworn Miniatures

Oathsworn Miniatures are a company who produce wonderful anthropomorphic animal characters. These are sculpted predominantly for their flagship game Burrows & Badgers, but they fit nicely into any game with a fantasy setting. The miniatures work particularly well for skirmish games – I’m currently painting up a rabbit and hare warband for Open Combat.

In my post about recently returning to the tabletop miniature hobby, I talked about only being aware of Citadel Miniatures back in the day. And as much as I’m still fond of the Games Workshop range, it’s been a joy to discover companies like Oathsworn.

There’s a real charm to these little creatures. They have everything from Raven Mages and Shrew Pirates, to Mouse Burglars and Wildcat Hustlers.

As a kid, I was a massive fan of Brian Jacques’ Redwall novels, and the Oathsworn range reminds me a lot of that legendary series.

The company also has a great looking range of buildings and scenery available on their site. I’m a lover of tabletop terrain, and will definitely be looking to pick up some of this kit myself.

Oathsworn Miniatures: Burrows & Badgers

Furry Fanbase

Oathsworn Miniatures is based in the North East of England, and was started in 2013 by professional sculptors Michael and Jo Lovejoy. They initially launched the Burrows & Badgers range via Kickstarter in 2015. Recently, they returned to the platform securing over £36,000 to fund a new range of miniatures, including mice, cats, hares, ferrets, dogs.

The latest Kickstarter had 559 backers, and the Oathsworn Miniatures Facebook page has over 3000 fans. It’s clear to see that they’ve build a dedicated and enthusiastic fanbase around their beautiful sculpts. That’s not at all surprising, and I expect they’ll continue to grow from strength to strength.

Rabbit and Hare warband - Oathsworn Miniatures
My crew – a work in progress – under the vengeful eye of their God.

Oathsworn Miniatures

I’ve not had the opportunity to dive into the ruleset of Burrows & Badgers yet, but it’s definitely on my radar.

As I’ve said already though, the miniatures can work in virtually any fantasy game setting. And building a warband of little animalfolk is a lot of fun.

If you’re purely into the painting and collecting too, then I’d urge you to treat yourself to a handful of Oathsworn miniatures. I’m not a confident or experienced painter, but I’ve been happy with what I’ve achieved so far with my hare and rabbit warriors. They’re extremely satisfying to paint, and I’ll certainly be getting more in the near future!