Well, not quite “masters”… minions, more like… these Battlemasters baddies are coming to a dungeon near you…

I’ve just finished painting up my latest handful of miniatures. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that I’ve been dabbling with Dungeon Saga. I wanted to populate the dungeons with my own unique miniatures, so I have formed up a party of heroes, and some Lovecraftian horrors to pit them against.

I had a few miniatures from the classic Battlemasters game of my childhood lying around. I decided to put an orc-goblin duo to work as dungeon minions.

I added the shields to give the miniatures a bit more depth. I am not 100% sure where I got them, but I think it might’ve been Knightmare. You can find out more about Knightmare in my Oldhammer miniature companies post.

This Chaos Dwarf is another old monopose plastic miniature getting a lick of paint and a fancy shield. I found him in my nephew’s Lego toybox of all places. His spear is slightly bent, probably an injury inflicted by a Lego batman or something. He looks slightly better than he did, in any case.

I didn’t put the Chaos Dwarf in the dungeon because I’d already been painting this fellow. I am sure I got him from CP Models.

Not had enough 90s throwbacks yet? Fair enough. We move from Battlemasters to Warhammer 40k, and the pious loudmouth that is Redemptor Kyrinov, Confessor of the Ministorum. He’s backed up by two Warmonger Miniatures’ Plague Apothecaries. This is all part of my sci-fi dystopia project.

Kyrinov will be placed in responsible charge of these endoskeleton miniatures from Terminator Genesys.

That’s all for now, though. We’re all waiting to see who comes through that dungeon door next. Will it be more Battlemasters characters? Someone from HeroQuest, perhaps?
Remember to check out who’s already down there in my Dungeons & Badgers, Populating a Lovecraftian Dungeon, and Dungeon Saga posts!