April 2020: Hobby Productivity Blog #5

I’ve managed to get through quite a few things in April. We’re currently in lockdown, though I’m still (fortunately) able to work. This has shaved around 2 hours of commuting time off my weekdays though, and weekend recreational opportunities are very limited at the mo. A good excuse to crack the paints open…

Warhammer 40k gretchen

Last month was heavily focused on painting skeletons. I was in the market for some palette cleansers, and had discovered a horde of childhood miniatures recently. I decided to try my hand at this classic Warhammer 40k gretchen. I swear I used to have about 8,000 of these.

Warhammer 40k gretchen, back

I’ve also been drawing up plans for some battles at 6mm scale. I ordered these superb medieval/fantasy buildings from Total Battle Miniatures.

6mm scale buildings from Total Battle Miniatures

I decided to try my hand at making some scenery too. Here’s how I made my 6mm trees.

Pine cones

I was basing the little cone trees on Fimo Clay, and I decided to try a sort of hill-based defence too. At this stage, it looks like a particularly gruesome pair of falsers.

6mm defence

My tiny village started to take shape and spring to life. Here’s my full post on building a 6mm terrain collection.

I’m really looking forward to getting a game with these. I’ve been using scaled down Kings of War rules, and the troops are by Irregular Miniatures.

Back up to 28mm, this big guy from Oathsworn Miniatures was a lot of fun to paint. My painting is still very early stage, but I’m always trying to improve and learn with each finished piece.

Oathsworn Miniatures raven mage

I also repainted the old Krell miniature I found from the 90s. I’ve ended up giving him a bit of a “meth mouth” but I’m quite pleased with how he turned out.

Krell: Lord of The Undead

That’s all for now. As we head into May I’m starting on some Kev Adams goblins by Midlam Miniatures.

I also got a few blog posts out this month, so be sure to have a look around if anything takes your fancy.

Stay safe everyone!

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