Do you need to paint every day? Do you need to play every week? Is a “seasonal hobbying” approach the answer to navigating busy or unexpected life events?
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In this episode we bring you a conversation with Dan Adam. Dan is the founder of the essential and long-running Paint All The Minis Podcast, where he chats with “a wide-ranging set of individuals from both inside and on the outside of the Tabletop/RPG/Boardgame industry about their experience, insight, & motivations.”

We cover a lot of ground in this chat. The starting point is a discussion around new and early parenthood. Babies and young kids demand a lot of your time and attention. Can we really justify painting and playing with toy soldiers during such a period? And if we can, how do we even begin to carve out the time for such things? Is a seasonal hobbying approach the answer here? Or do you just need to get the finger out and find a spare ten minutes each day?
There’s also a deeper aspect of, not just this hobby, but any type of hobby or passion. We listen to a clip from The Surprising Science of Stress with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, which is episode 376 of The Model Health Show.
We muse over whether the time you have available should dictate the types of games you’re into. If you’re strapped for time, is there any point in getting into a mass-battle game like Kings of War? Would you be better off playing smaller warband-based skirmish games like Stargrave? Or even trying out solo wargaming?
Finally, we talk about the content tightrope. Listening to podcasts, watching YouTube vids, and following social media groups and pages can be great for inspiration and motivation. On the flip side though, you can easily get bombarded with all the latest “must-have” miniatures and games. How can we navigate this so we can be more mindful about the new things we buy into, whilst still getting all of the benefits of hobby content consumption?
Be sure to subscribe to this podcast on your listening app of choice so you never miss a future episode. Also, if you’d like to be a guest on the podcast in the future, here’s how you can get involved.
The whole conversation near the end about consumerism reminded me SO much of a good debate that I’ve seen a lot on the 9th Age forum about “slow hobby vs fast hobby” (also coined by a guy called Dan!) and how that’s one of the real differences between people which they prefer (not the ‘fake’ differences people often talk about like hardcore vs casual which doesn’t really mean anything to most real people).
68 mins in and you actually say it! Slow hobby 🙂
I listened to your latest podcast too but couldn’t find it here on your site to comment on so I thought I would here 🙂
Don’t sell yourself short on the podcast btw, it’s very well produced and you ask some great questions and even though your things are only kinda tangential to my interests (indeed, I thought I might be irritated by the content based on some of the headlines of the podcasts) I found it to be a great listen 🙂
On the Heroquest thing, I wondered if you were referring to GameZone’s legally blocked attempt to do a new edition of it?