Update number 6 eh. So that’s me been doing these wee posts (amongst the other content on here) for 6 months now. How time flies, and how the world has changed in dramatic ways during that period. None of which has anything to do with me buying and putting paint on tiny little warriors.

And that’s exactly what I’m here to talk about. May saw me complete a trio of Kev ‘The Goblin King’ Adams’ gobbos from Midlam Miniatures. I’ve always loved his work, ever since I was a kid in the early 90s leafing through the pages of White Dwarf.

I bought some modern-day Games Workshop minis just before things shut down. They arrived recently, and I got to work building them. The Chaos Marauders were a lot of fun to put together. The same can’t be said of the Necrons, if I’m being honest. Unbelievably fiddly and a gruelling task for my clunky layman’s hands.

My adventures in 6mm wargaming continue too. I got my delivery from Baccus, containing some lovely roads, rivers, and bridges. I’ve started painting them up and here’s a few early ‘work in progress’ pics of my battlefield.

For more on my progress at this scale, check out my posts on 6mm terrain, and making 6mm trees.

That’s what I’m chipping away on at the moment, then. Hoping to produce some final result pics by the end of June.
What about you? I always enjoy looking through other folks’ hobby progress. So if you’ve got a blog or site, be sure to pop a link to your latest update in the comments section, below!
I loooove the gobbos 🙂 I constructed two Necron warriors for my Iron Maiden themed Kill Team, and that was too many. Fiddly as heck and easy to wreck.