This month has all been about Dungeon Saga, by Mantic Games.

I recently picked the game up (along with the Adventurers Companion expansion) and quickly burned through all of the miniatures in the box.

There’s also plenty cool dungeon furniture included, so I’ve slapped some paint on those pieces too.

The standard of boxed game miniatures comes in for some (justified) criticism at times, but I was seriously impressed with these. They were a lot of fun to paint. Here’s my full write-up on working through them all.

The Adventurers Companion supplement gives you the freedom to create your own characters, parties, and stories.

For this, I decided to turn to the wonderful Oathsworn Miniatures range.

These minis are predominantly designed for Oathsworn’s Burrows & Badgers game.

They’re full of character, and a joy to paint.

I selected each of these anthropomorphic warriors to replace the four original heroes in the Dungeon Saga box. Here’s my full write-up on that.

So that’s the bulk of my work this month. I’m now looking to get back to finishing off my retro Chaos Warrior warband before the end of the year.
What about you? What have you been up to recently? As always, feel free to post your own links and updates in the comments section below. I’d love to take a look.