Podcasts are a great way to keep in close touch with the hobby, even after the year we’ve just had, and the limited opportunities it has presented us with. Sticking on a good podcast episode is the ideal accompaniment to painting your miniatures. Podcasts can get you motivated to push on and keep working on your projects, or get you thinking about your next game, campaign, or that homebrew solo ruleset you’ve been playing around with. There’s an ever-growing number of great miniature wargaming podcasts out there these days. But instead of throwing myself into writing up an exhaustive list, I wanted to simply recommend my 3 favourites.

What Do I Mean By “Miniature Wargaming Podcasts”?
It’s a bit of a wide term, I know. The shows I listen to tend to cover a bit more than miniature wargaming. Not all miniature games are about war, after all. Things like painting, terrain, lore, and worldbuilding hold a lot of my interest. Then there’s stuff like industry news and the business side of it all. Throw in a bit of chat about rules, systems, and mechanics, combined with wider philosophical questions such as what makes the whole hobby experience so appealing to begin with, and we’re just about there. That’s a lot more than miniature wargaming, but there’s only so long-winded you can be with the titles and labels of things.
With that all said, let’s jump into my top 3 miniature wargaming podcasts recs…
Paint All The Minis
The Paint All The Minis podcast started as a show about… well, you can probably guess. But this show goes way deeper than the act or art of miniature painting. It’s a long-form interview podcast and there have been some industry titans on there (The GW old guard Rick Priestly, Andy Chambers, and Gav Thorpe have all been on, to name but a few). It’s incredible to hear background stories from such household names, as well as folks running companies and creating the products that we know and love. But host Dan’s conversations with “the average Joe” are every bit as compelling. In these episodes, we walk through the guest’s journey into the hobby and learn about their own unique perspectives, experiences, and thoughts. With a back catalogue of over 200 episodes, and still going strong, Paint All The Minis is a must-add for your subscribe list.

The Wargames Orchard
There’s a certain generation of folks who grew up in the “Herohammer” era of the 90s. You know, goblin green bases, bright colours everywhere, red spear shafts, and blue skies shining down over even the bloodiest of 40k battles. For this generation (ie; mines!), The Wargames Orchard offers a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Host Nathan (and occasional co-host Scott) goes the extra mile when it comes to delving into the lore, interpreting the rules, and just generally waxing lyrical about this golden era of Warhammer Fantasy and 40k (1st to 8th editions). Some of Nathan’s deep-dives cover things like life as a Lord of Change, Genestealers touring around in limos, and why face cloths were deadly in the Rogue Trader era. The Wargames Orchard is a captivating and engaging listen, and it’s clear that a tonne of effort goes into putting each episode together.
Sidenote, be sure to check out the undead, lizardmen, and Space Wolves forces I found in the attic a while back, along with some ramblings about spending your birthday money in Games Workshop in the 90s.

Precinct Omega: Weekly Wargaming Miniatures News & Discussion
My third miniature wargaming podcast recommendation is this cracking little show by Precinct Omega. It’s a weekly news and discussion show, and I initially subscribed as a handy way to keep up-to-date with the latest goings-on in the industry. That’s undoubtedly a big part of what makes the podcast great, but it was host Robey’s regular masterclasses on rules, systems, and mechanics that pulled me in even more. Precinct Omega’s podcast will get you thinking about gaming, as well as the industry as a whole, at a much deeper level. Thoroughly recommended for anyone who’s ever thought about writing their own game, or is simply interested in learning more about how they all work. Precinct Omega has published games including Horizon Wars and Zero Dark, which are well worth checking out if you’re into miniature agnostic systems.
Miniature Wargaming Podcasts: Top 3 Picks
Hopefully you’ve found this short roundup useful. If you’re a podcast listener and don’t already subscribe to these shows, then definitely check them out. If you have any miniature wargaming podcast recommendations of your own, too, then please feel free to drop them into the comments section below.
Next up: Be sure to check out our own show – the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast!