Lockdown ain’t what it used to be – at least where I live, anyway. There’s more opportunity to get out the house these days, it seems. That’s obviously great, but the painting output has taken a slight dip.

Nevertheless, I said last month I’d hopefully finish this small band of Perry Miniatures bowmen, and I did. They were multibased on a strip of wood from Homebase. I’ve got 3 more identical units I plan to get done, though they’re not on my immediate to-do list.

Must be hard work for the lads having to dig up and re-plant these wooden stakes each time they move in a game. But I’ve seen multibased units who have to carry trees and ponds around with them, so it could be worse.

Managed to get some new rulebooks too. Did you catch my post on games that let you use any miniatures?

I’ve massively enjoyed Song of Blades and Heroes so far. Such a good skirmish game. I picked up its sci-fi companion Mutants and Death Ray Guns too. Rogue Planet is also one of the most innovative rulesets I’ve ever seen. Here’s more on both.

A game of SBH in full swing. Note that it uses 3 wooden rods to measure distances, rather than a tape measure. This seems simple and unimportant, but it makes such a difference to the flow of a game.

On the painting table are a squad of Terminator Genisys Endoskeletons (was there ever a better film than Terminator 2?). I’m also about to tackle some Soviet Heavy Infantry from Warlord Games’ Konflikt ’47. I’ve never played K47, I just really liked the look of them. That’s the way of it, eh!

Finally, here’s a Chaos Marauder I’ve named Frosty Jack, due to his white mane. I’ve still to add his shield on, but I’m pretty chuffed with him so far.
What have you been up to yourself this month? Always enjoy reading the comments, so pop your own update (or a link to it) in said comments section, and I’ll have a look!
All looking good, and you’re still much more productive than me! Are you gonna add any more marauders, or is this just a one off? Song of Blades has come up a few times, is it good then?
Thanks Ross. I have a few more marauders to do yeah 🙂 SoBH is great – thoroughly recommended!