My quest for a dungeon crawler miniatures game recently led me to pick up Dungeon Saga, by Mantic Games. I’m a big fan of Mantic’s rulesets, in particular, Kings of War. The clincher for me was seeing that it was written by Jake Thornton, a name I saw frequently as a kid leafing through the pages of White Dwarf.

Like anyone else of my generation, HeroQuest was one of the first games to really draw me into this hobby. Obviously, this is a heavy influence behind Dungeon Saga, but we have here a game in its own rights. I’ve played some of the early scenarios and it’s a lot of fun.

I also bought the Adventurers Companion expansion which lets you create your own heroes, design your own campaigns, and play co-op mode.

The miniatures look really good, especially for a boxed game. I painted them all up in a couple of weeks using a quick contrast, wash, and drybrush technique.

Some of the miniatures are an obvious homage to HeroQuest, whilst others – like the zombie trolls – are totally unique.

The heroes have been good to learn the ropes with, but I’m currently working on creating my own unique party. I’ll be talking about that in a future post.

I heard recently that HeroQuest was coming back. However, with Dungeon Saga and the Adventurers Companion I feel I’ve got all the tools I need to scratch those dungeon crawl itches.
I’ve put together a party of bold adventurers to delve some new dungeons, going forward. Dungeons populated by these Lovecraftian horrors.

And most recently, I’ve added more minions to my dungeon saga from the old school Battlemasters game.