It’s Christmas Eve, time of writing, and I’ve set aside some time to sit down with a beer and look over what I’ve been up to this month.

To be honest, I didn’t get a huge amount of actual painting done. I’d run up a massive queue of miniatures that needed a second coat of varnish, so that took up a lot of my hobby time. However, I still managed to do some painting. All of it Chaos-themed.

Work continued on my Oldhammer-esque Chaos Warrior warband. These Chaos Foot Knights are by Mirliton. I bought them via Campaign Game Miniatures.

My next project is imaginatively titled “The Beastie Boys”. These guys are exclusively from one of my favourite miniature companies, Knightmare.

This herd of Chaos Beastmen will ally with my Chaos Warriors in large-scale games, or fight against them in Real of Chaos-themed skirmish battles (using the Open Combat or Song of Blades & Heroes rulesets!)

I’d expect to have this lot finished in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out for a dedicated post about that. And if you’re reading this around the time of release, thanks for keeping up with my content on this humble blog. Wishing you all the very best for 2021!