“The nights are drawing in” is a common bit of smalltalk you’ll hear at this time of year. And whilst the inevitable death of summer is a bit depressing, it does potentially mean more time painting and playing with toy knights and goblins.

This month for me was really about making progress on the things I’d started in July. I finished my first squad (or unit) – is it a squad or a unit these days? – of GW Chaos Marauders. I enjoyed painting these guys, despite not being a huge fan of modern GW minis. I’ve been big into Viking fiction this past year, so I think that’s where the inspiration came from.

I’m working through my Terminator Genisys Endoskeletons and Soviet Heavy Infantry from Warlord Games’ Konflikt ’47. These miniatures I plan to use in games of Mutants & Death Ray Guns and Rogue Planet. I talked about picking up these miniature agnostic rulesets in my July hobby update.

With these guys it’s very much a wash and drybrush job. So I picked out a few minis from my to-do drawer to mix it up a little. An old Chaos Barbarian Archer and Beastman from the wonderful Battlemasters game of the early 90s. On top of those, I threw in a Chaos Raider Champion from the brilliant Knightmare Miniatures range.

I bought myself a new thing too. I grabbed the Frostgrave 2nd Edition rulebook after hearing Dan talk to creator Joe McCullough on the Paint All The Minis podcast. I’ve had a few leaf-throughs so far, and it looks fantastic.
Aside from that, I’ve been very well behaved with not buying new stuff. I have an ever-growing wish list, but I also have plenty unpainted miniatures to warrant these new ones remaining unpainted on someone else’s shelf.
So that’s where I’m at with everything right now. How about you? Feel free to post your own hobby updates or blog links in the comments below. I always like to read through them 🙂
Looking very cool. It’s hard to get too excited about painting the plastic Marauders, but they’ve turned out very nicely, and I love the old school basing.
I havent actually picked up V2 yet, but Frostgrave V1 was an incredible game that I’ve sunk sooo many hours into!